Laser Pain Therapy

Laser pain therapy is a treatment modality that uses specific wavelengths of light to heat affected tissue in a patient and is an effective way to help accelerate the body’s healing and recovery process and reduce painful symptoms. At Mustang Chiropractic Acupuncture and Massage, we use red and near-infrared light therapy for a wide variety of ailments, including acute and chronic pain, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, ligament strains, arthritis, tennis elbow, tendonitis, bursitis, acne/skin disorders, fibromyalgia, and to facilitate the healing of wounds. Mustang Chiropractic Acupuncture and Massage in Prosser, WA, is a Veteran-owned holistic health practice that has served the needs of Prosser for over fifty years. In 2023 Dr. Benjamin McIntosh, a member of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), purchased the practice and he works with Dr. Tim Thompson to provide expert care to the Prosser area. 

How Does Laser Pain Therapy Work?

Near Infrared Therapy (NIR), or red light laser therapy, uses a low-level laser to target specific areas of the body with light, stimulating the body’s natural cellular energy. This process is known as photobiomodulation. Laser pain therapy targets the mitochondria of the cells and is used to help reduce inflammation, enhance cellular health, improve circulation and range of motion, and facilitate healing. Laser pain therapy treatments help balance oxidative stress caused by excessive free radicals and are a safe, holistic, gentle, and noninvasive healing modality. Red light laser therapy is also believed to stimulate endorphins, the natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. 

During the noninvasive treatment, the doctor will place the laser directly over the area of injury for 30 seconds to several minutes, depending upon the size of the injured area. As the body’s cells absorb the wavelengths of light, cellular energy production is increased, and the body can naturally clear away any damaged cells. Many patients experience a lessening of painful symptoms, reduced muscle spasms and tightness, enhanced flexibility, greater mobility of the joints, and accelerated recovery times from injuries and damaged areas. Red and near-infrared light therapy can also stimulate hair growth, increase fertility, improve skin health, and reduce recovery time from workouts. 

For patients in the Prosser area, Mustang Chiropractic Acupuncture and Massage provides expert laser pain therapy treatments to address a variety of needs. In addition to chiropractic care, Dr. McIntosh and Dr. Thompson offer a variety of holistic services to help their patients achieve optimal healing and wellness. Mustang Chiropractic Acupuncture and Massage Therapy is devoted to caring for veterans in Prosser and invites VA patients to come to the office to experience the benefits of time-tested holistic healing practices. Make an appointment today! (509) 786-3637

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